CSB Learning materials

The pathway to certification success

Preparing your students for certification is a big responsibility, so let Certiport make your job easier and more effective with specially-selected course materials and practice tests.

Watch this brief video to see how learning products can work for you.

Courseware and Learning Products

It is recommended that individuals looking to earn a Communication Skills for Business (CSB) certification have had approximately 150 hours of instruction and hands-on experience in formal communication theory or in English competence in an IT-related environment to prepare to pass a CSB exam.

Business & Professional Communications is a new, graphically illustrated textbook preparing students with fundamental business and professional communication skills for today’s diverse and digital workplace.

  • Business & Professional Communications guides students in exploring vital topics in business communication skills including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Along the way, students learn and demonstrate professional standards and personal qualities needed to be employable in today’s job market.
  • The book’s end-of-chapter review activities challenge students’ critical thinking, writing, editing, technology, collaboration, and communication skills.
  • 100% aligned to the CSB Certification, this text will prepare students for the business communication skills needed for success in the workplace and beyond.

LearnKey video courseware enhances the learning experience and increases certification exam success. It provides self-paced on-demand video learning material for Certiport’s Communication Skills for Business program. These expert learning solutions are easy to use, interactive and help prepare students for certification success.

  • Video-based e-learning courseware
  • Interactive labs
  • Prescriptive study guides

he CertPREP Courseware program provides additional instructional courses and learning materials to help students prepare for the IT Specialist certification Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Computational Thinking. Materials for Data Analytics are coming soon.